How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster
Impatient with how slow your hair is growing? Get some tips on how to make your hair grow faster.Realistically, no. But here are some hair-helper tips that certainly can help your hair grow faster. Give yourself at-home scalp massages.
They stimulate the blood flow to your scalp, which helps nutrients get to your hair follicles more quickly. While washing your hair, massage the scalp with your fingertips, starting at the back of the neck and moving around the hairline.
Second Thing you should use vitamine to strengthen your hair.
Next you want to make sure you are hydrated so drink lots of water, water is the best medicine to grow hair fast-you need at least 8 glasses a day.
Stay away from junk food, junk food will kill your attempts to grow hair fast, stick to broiled and grilled food and slay away from fried and fatty foods.
Massage your scalp every day with a good herbal hair oil like Mira hair oil, just 10 minutes massage a day will help you grow your hair fast like weeds.
To grow hair fast, keep your hair loose and all natural, don’t tug and pull it as it will damage and tear the hair and stunt hair growth, braiding your hair is a good option if you want a good hair style that will help grow hair fast.
Take aswagandha –it is an Indian ginseng and it will boost your immune system and promote hair growth.
To make Your Hair Grow Faster Stop using commercial hair shampoos and conditioner , these contains chemicals that will stop your from growing hair fast, the best way to wash your hair is with an all natural shampoo and the best frequency is 2-3 times a week.
An other treatment that you can do is from Shu Uemura here the article: Shu Uemura Ceremony
Come far crescere velocemente i vostri capelli
Impazienti di attendere la crescita dei vostri capelli?
Ecco una serie di trucchi da applicare.
Purtroppo non esiste una medicina da applicare che faccia crescere velocemente i capelli, ma ci sono degli accorgimenti e trucchi che possono fare al caso vostro.
Prima di tutto aiutate la crescita facendo un massaggio cutaneo quotidianamente in modo da far circolare il sangue.
Seconda cosa dovete assicurarvi che i vostri capelli siano sempre idratati ma come fare? bevendo almeno otto bicchieri d’acqua al giorno.
Altra cosa per rendere i capelli lucenti e luminosi è quella di disintossicarsi dai cibi spazzatura.
Utilizzate il meno possibile il phone e le piastre, anche se vi dicono che quelle in ceramica sono meno dannose e chiudono le squame, il caldo eccessivo danneggia i capelli.
Durante il periodo estivo utilizzate un olio protettivo prima e dopo il bagno in mare.
Utilizzate uno shampoo naturale che non contenga prodotti chimici e lavate i capelli non più di due-tre volte ala settimana.
Altro articolo interessante è il trattamento ideato da Shu Uemura leggete qui:
Shu Uemura Ceremony
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